Doomsday Device

Hey yo peace God
I said peace God
over centuries many have tried to beseech God
unpiece and then reteach God
in their own vision and image
somebody please seat the cynics
but I didn’t convey McVey
and when the towers came down
I was angry my eyes were misty
that day I was a resident of New York City
you couldn’t shift me from in front of the TV
believe me my brain was bludgeoned
from hours of news coverage
that’s something I’ll never forget in my lifetime
but then we disrespect the dead
with talk of conspiracy theories and oil pipelines?
I was disgusted with negativity portrayed towards Muslims
like we got together at a function
and celebrated the anguish
that people felt searching for family
revolution didn’t come from calamity
now I’m supposed to give up/ my shot at mastery
because some terrorists got fed some bullshit at an extremist factory?